Monday, 22 February 2010

Week 6 thing 12 You Tube and Google Reader

I searched for Michael Pollan using the search box in You Tube Edu. I found the broadcast I wanted but could not share it with the tools we have used so far on the Ox23 course but I could email the link if wanted.

I fed the Url into my Google reader and have now subscribed to videos related to Michael Pollan which I can sort newest to oldest or by magic ( which seems to be in order of popularity) as well as translate into my own language (American English into British English?).

I received various invitations to download Google Chrome.

For anyone who is interested in why it is a good thing Christ Church has cows on Magdalen Meadow, listen to Michael Pollan talking about the ecology of eating. He starts talking about grass 39 minutes into the talk.

I also added an article on the same subject to my Delicious account (Save the planet: Eat more beef, Time Jan 25 2010).

I've discovered I cannot copy and paste URLs directly into this blog but I can if I toggle the Compose and Edit Html tag

I can also embed the video by clicking on the link in you tube then pasting it in Edit Html and the box below appears.

1 comment:

  1. For URLs, you can put them in as a link. When in the posting screen, highlight the text you want to link from, then click on the 'link' button in the toolbar. In the box that pops up, paste in the URL.

    Hope that helps!
